NCEP Sourcing Training

Welcome to NC eProcurement Sourcing

NC eProcurement Sourcing is a comprehensive tool that allows users to manage Sourcing Events at both the State and Agency level and allows for vendors and entities to easily communicate during a public solicitation. There are several benefits to the Sourcing tool, including document storage and the easy integration between a completed Sourcing Project and the related Contract Workspace. 

NC eProcurement Sourcing Login

For quick instructions on creating and publishing a Sourcing Project from beginning to end, please see the following job aids or check out the video.

Non-IT Quick Guide      IT Quick Guide     Sourcing Video

Project Owner

A Project Owner is a user who initiates and manages the Sourcing Project in the tool. They are responsible for creating the Sourcing Project and managing the Sourcing Event before awarding the contract to the winning bid.  They are also the only users with the ability to make any changes to that Sourcing Project.


An Approver is a user who has the authority to validate certain aspects of the Sourcing Project, such as documents or tasks.

System Administrator

System Administrators have full rights to manage the access for other users within their entity and determine which roles those users will fulfill.