Selecting Commodity Codes

Introduction to UNSPSC Commodity Codes

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The State of North Carolina uses UNSPSC Commodity Codes.  UNSPSC is an internationally accepted, open standard, public classification system that allows for business analysis of expenses and the creation of cost saving contracts. When managing their registration in the electronic Vendor Portal (eVP), vendors will use four-digit UNSPSC codes, and buyers will use six-digit UNSPSC codes in NC eProcurement.

For more information regarding the UNSPSC Commodity Code classification, access the UNSPSC website, and for additional help with commodity code selection, please contact the NCEP Help Desk.

Finding and Selecting Commodity Codes

I. Commodity Code Explanation

  • A commodity code is a standard system of numbers that are used to identify the goods and services that are being purchased.  Using standardized codes enables the State to determine the level of spend in various categories.
  • NC eProcurement uses the UNSPSC Commodity Code system, which utilizes hierarchical groupings of numbers to identify and list commodities and services by categories and classes.
  • UNSPSC Commodity Codes have four hierarchies, the Segment, Family, Class, and Commodity.  Each hierarchy consists of two digits representing an ever more specific group of goods or services.

UNSPSC Commodity Code Structure

Example of UNSPSC Commodity Code Structure 

Note: The UNSPSC Commodity Codes listed on the UNSPSC website are specified to the eight-digit level (XX-XX-XX-XX).  Since NC eProcurement will utilize commodity codes only to the six-digit level, users should only select the first six digits of whichever eight-digit commodity code describes the desired good or service.  For example, if the desired commodity is a personal computer (UNSPSC Commodity Code: 43211508), only the class level code (UNSPSC Commodity Code: 432115) should be entered into NC eProcurement.

II. UNSPSC Segment Organization

UNSPSC Commodity Codes are organized by segment into a logical sequence that reflects how value is progressively added to products.  These segments are divided into goods and services.  Goods are made up of UNSPSC Commodity Codes in the segments ranging from '10' through '60.'  Services are made up of UNSPSC Commodity Code in the segments ranging from '70' through '94.'

UNSPSC Segment Organization

III. Most Commonly Selected Commodity Codes

While there are thousands of options for UNSPSC Commodity Codes, some are selected much more frequently than others. The Top 20 Commodities chosen in NC eProcurement may be found in the table below, beginning with the commodity code most often selected.

Top 20 Commodities
UNSPSC Commodity CodeUNSPSC Description
601011Electronic learning aids
811122Software maintenance and support
851016Healthcare provider support persons
781018Road cargo transport (Shipping)
141115Printing and writing paper
811116Computer programmers
441216Desk supplies
441031Printer and facsimile and photocopier supplies
432116Computer accessories
721015Building maintenance and repair services
841015Development assistance
601017Teacher resource materials
471318Cleaning and disinfecting solutions
811125Computer software licensing rental or leasing service
861322Educational support services
441220Folders and binders and indexes
261117Batteries and cells and accessories
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