Below are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about NC eProcurement. Please see the links at the bottom of the page for more specific information related to Buyers, Vendors, and Billing.
Frequently Asked Questions
NC eProcurement is a single, enterprise-wide, web-based purchasing system that offers electronic purchase order processing and enhanced administrative functions to buyers and suppliers, resulting in operational efficiencies, cost savings, and strategic procurement information.
NC eProcurement allows over 100 entities to aggregate their purchases to better negotiate prices from suppliers. Electronic state term contract catalogs reduce the time to create a requisition by automatically pre-populating required information, including price.
For buyers, state agencies, K-12 schools, community colleges, the university system, and local governments including counties and municipalities are able to participate. This provides great opportunities for leveraged purchasing and will enable small entities to obtain savings.
For vendors, the only requirement is to register through the electronic Vendor Portal (eVP) in order to participate. For more details, visit Vendor Tips.
NC eProcurement is free to use for state agencies, K-12 school systems, community colleges, and local governments.
For vendors to use NC eProcurement, there is a transaction fee of 1.75% on purchase orders for material goods. This fee is applied once the supplier receives payment from a buying entity on an order issued. There is no registration fee or annual fee to participate, and there is no transaction fee on purchase orders for services. For more detailed information, see Vendor Tips or Billing Tips.
NC eProcurement is part of the North Carolina Department of Administration, Division of Purchase & Contract. The original implementation of the NC eProcurement purchasing system was a collaborative effort by the Department of Administration, the Office of the State Controller, and the Department of Information Technology.
The transaction fee supports the development and ongoing operations of NC eProcurement. These operations are comprised of development and execution of training required for both buyers and suppliers, and the ongoing maintenance and services needed to sustain NC eProcurement.
To see a list of buying entities, visit the Entities Using NC eProcurement page.