Training Videos

Welcome to NC eProcurement Demonstrations

NC eProcurement offers live, interactive trainings via Microsoft Teams on a monthly basis. Training Dates and links to registration via the North Carolina Learning Center can be found on our Upcoming Events page.

Recordings of the demonstration portions of those trainings can be found below. Play the entirety of the training by clicking on the video, or jump to specific sections of the video by clicking on the section link.

NC eProcurement NCFS Basic Requester

To view a recording of NC eProcurement NCFS Basic Requester, please click the video. For printable step-by-step instructions, see the Learning Path NCFS State Agencies Entities page.

To navigate to a specific section of the video, use these links:

Introduction to NC eProcurement Buyer (1:07)
Statewide Term Contracts (7:15)
Public Vendor Search in eVP (10:57)
Introduction to Guided Buying (20:53)
Catalog Order in Guided Buying (28:30)
Checkout Page in Guided Buying (34:32)
Introduction to Expert View (48:08)
Non Catalog Order In Expert View (56:34)
Selecting Commodity Codes (1:01:26)
Checkout Page in Expert View (1:20:06)
Searches in Expert View (1:30:41)

NCFS Basic Requester

NC eProcurement EPLite Basic Requester

EPLite Basic Requester

To view a recording of NC eProcurement EPLite Basic Requester, please click the video.  For printable step-by-step instructions, see the Learning Path EPLite Entities page.

To navigate to a specific section of the video, use these links:

Introduction to NC eProcurement Buyer (1:06)
Statewide Term Contracts (7:16)
Public Vendor Search in eVP (10:57)
Introduction to Guided Buying (20:54)
Catalog Order in Guided Buying (28:38)
Checkout Page in Guided Buying (39:10)
Introduction to Expert View (1:01:07)
Non Catalog Order In Expert View (1:09:37)
Selecting Commodity Codes (1:14:26)
Checkout Page in Expert View (1:35:32)
Searches in Expert View (1:51:12)

NC eProcurement Sourcing Training

To view a recording of NC eProcurement Sourcing Training, please click the video.  For printable step-by-step instructions, see the Learning Path NC eProcurement Sourcing page.

To navigate to a specific section of the video, use these links:

Introduction to NC eProcurement Sourcing (1:05)
Creating a Sourcing Project (16:10)
Sourcing Project Tour (35:53)
IT Sourcing Project Specifics (56:03)
Populating Solicitation Documents (1:04:47)
Initiate Sourcing Event (1:12:00)
Sending Solicitation Documents & Sourcing Event for Approval (1:26:54)
Finalize and Publish Sourcing Event (1:33:29)
Vendor Questions, Addenda, and Timing Extensions (1:52:06)
Opening Envelopes & Reviewing Responses (2:10:17)
Sending Award Documents for Approval (2:18:16)
Finalizing Sourcing Event & Project (2:24:50)

Sourcing Training

NC eProcurement Contracts Training

eVP Procurement User Training

To view a video detailing the process of posting and awarding a formal solicitation via the eVP Agency App, please click the video.  For printable step-by-step instructions, see the Learning Path eVP Procurement User Training page.

To navigate to a specific section of the video, use these links:

Introduction to the eVP Agency App (0:54)
Creating a Solicitation (2:14)
Uploading a Document (12:40)
Posting a Solicitation (15:35)
Viewing Posted Solicitations in Public eVP (17:39)
Posting an Addendum (21:05)
Viewing Submitted E-Bids (26:39)
Posting Preliminary Bid Tabulations (32:18)
Posting Final Bid Tabulations (38:51)
Posting Award Notifications (41:40)

eVP Procurement User Training