NCEP Contracts Training
Welcome to Contracts Training
NC eProcurement Contracts is a comprehensive tool that allows users to upload and track contracts at both the State and Agency levels. There are several benefits including expiration reminders, a repository for all contract related items and the ability to run reports.
Updates were made to the Ariba Contracts module in March 2022. Please view the short Contracts Update video to the right that highlights the system improvements.
Introduction to NCEP Contracts
Project Owner
A Project Owner is a user who inputs the contract into the tool. They are responsible for creating the Contract Workspace, loading all contract documents, and finally publishing the contract. They are also the only users with the ability to make any changes to that Contract Workspace.
A reviewer examines documents prior to final approval and can edit those documents if necessary.
3. Review Tasks
4. Reporting
An approver is a user who has final authority to validate the terms and attributes of the contract prior to signature.
4. Reporting
An observer has the ability to look through the Contract Workspace and view the terms and attributes of the contract. Users who have the observer role do not have any ability to edit documents, approve, or deny the contract.
3. Reporting
System Administrator
System Administrators have full rights to manage the access for other users within their entity and determine which roles those users will fulfill.