Modifying a Legacy Contract Workspace
If a Contract Workspace (CW) was created prior to March 24, 2022, and that CW needs to be modified with one of three ‘Amendment’ types – ‘Amendment,’ ‘Renewal,’ or Termination,’ – users will need to convert that Legacy Contract Workspace (LCW) into a newer version by creating a ‘Follow-on Project’ and processing the ‘Amendment,’ along with the contract’s future lifecycle, in the new CW. After the new CW is created, users will return to the LCW to mark it ‘Closed.’
For more detailed step-by-step information regarding this topic in a printable format, download the following PDF.
Creating a ‘Follow-on Project’ from an existing Legacy Contract Workspace (LCW) will allow the user to link the new Contract Workspace (CW) and its updated Modification templates to the LCW for historical purposes.

Before updating the new Follow-on Contract Workspace (CW) from ‘Draft’ to ‘Published’ status, the user should update the ‘Expiration Email Recipients’ and load any existing contract documentation.

The Follow-on Contract Workspace is needed to utilize the document templates and ‘Tasks’ available to the user once an ‘Amendment’ is initiated.

Once the Follow-on Contract Workspace is in a ‘Published’ status after the ‘Amendment’ process is complete, users will go back to the Legacy Contract Workspace and mark it ‘Closed’ to eliminate any duplicate notifications or confusion in reporting or contract management.