Procurement Exceptions (Non-IT)
If circumstances arise where a user needs to petition P&C for a Procurement Exception, that request and approval process is built into the Sourcing Project workflow. Users will indicate their intent to request an Exception in the ‘Special Circumstances’ field on the ‘Create Sourcing Project’ page, which triggers additional tasks and documents to be added to the Sourcing Project.
For more detailed step-by-step information regarding this topic in a printable format, see the following job aid.
While completing the ‘Create Sourcing Project’ page after initiating a Sourcing Project, the user should click the dropdown arrow in the ‘Special Circumstances’ field and select any of the Exception types that apply: ‘Procurement Exception – Extended Contract Term,’ ‘Procurement Exception – Waiver of Competition,’ ‘Procurement Exception – Brand Specific Request,’ or ‘Special Delegation.’
• ‘Special Delegation’ eliminates the need for P&C approval.
• If no options display in the dropdown menu immediately, click ‘Search more.

Users who select ‘Special Circumstance’ of ‘Procurement Exception – Waiver of Competition’ will not have to answer the template question regarding the type of solicitation, as an RFQ will be automatically assigned. Users will also see an additional task in Phase 04 instructing them to ‘Populate Waiver of Competition Exception Template.’ Once this is complete, they should replace that template in the ‘Solicitation Document’ folder for P&C to review during the ‘Gain P&C Approval of Sourcing Event’ task. Because the solicitation will not be posted publicly, the Sourcing Event can be sent directly to the selected vendor.

Users who select a ‘Special Circumstance’ of ‘Procurement Exception – Extended Contract Term’ will see two additional tasks in Phase 04 instructing them to ‘Populate Extended Contract Term Exception Template’ and to ‘Gain P&C Approval of Extended Contract Term Exception’ before the Solicitation Document and Event is sent to P&C for review during the ‘Gain P&C Approval of Sourcing Event’ task.

Users who select a ‘Special Circumstance’ of ‘Procurement Exception – Brand Specific Request’ will see an additional task in Phase 04 instructing them to ‘Populate Brand Specific Exception Template.’ Once this is complete, they should replace that template in the ‘Solicitation Document’ folder for P&C to review during the ‘Gain P&C Approval of Sourcing Event’ task.