Vendor Supplemental Information

This page contains supplemental materials that will assist vendors in further understanding NC eProcurement processes.

Check back soon for more Job Aids.

Supplemental Training

Tab/Accordion Items

The NC eProcurement transaction fee may be paid via check, money order or automated clearing house (ACH) through Wells Fargo E-Bill Express.

E-Bill Express Job Aid.

Learn how to read your invoice from NC eProcurement and what each field means.

How To Read an NC eProcurement Invoice

The NC eProcurement system upgraded to the newest version of Ariba on July 1, 2020, but old orders are still being closed out in the Archive system. See the guide on understanding those older purchase orders.

Understanding Your Purchase Order (Archive Buyer)

A technical specification and implementation guide for a supplier punchout catalog for vendors who currently hold a contract with the state of North Carolina.

Supplier Punchout Overview