Viewing and Responding to Solicitations in eVP
State Procurement Users (PU’s) post formal solicitations for bids or proposals on the North Carolina electronic Vendor Portal (eVP). The postings are visible to the public, and special notification emails will be sent nightly to vendor contacts with eVP commodity codes that match the commodity code attached to a solicitation posted or updated that day. Vendors who log into their eVP account will have the ability to respond to solicitation requests directly in eVP. Vendors must be actively registered for NC eProcurement and a Sourcing Contact to click the 'Intends to Participate' button and respond to an NCEP Ariba Sourcing Event. Vendors should confirm access to solicitations (e.g., verify account status) early and allow ample time to submit bids.
For a video demo regarding this topic, click here.
For more detailed step-by-step information regarding this topic in a printable format, see the following job aid.
The electronic Vendor Portal (eVP) will publicly display all solicitations posted by State Procurement Users (PU’s) without requiring login access. For vendors to respond to a posting, they will need to login to eVP.

There are two main methods that State Procurement Users (PU’s) conduct their solicitations. State Agency Users (Department of Administration, Department of Public Safety, etc.) use the NC eProcurement Tool to collect their bid responses. Other State Entity users (Community Colleges, Counties, or Towns, etc.) use eVP to collect their bid responses. No matter how responses are collected, solicitations are all posted in eVP. This section will cover submitting a response through eVP.

After successfully submitting a bid in eVP, past bids can be accessed either by searching for and clicking on the solicitation that was responded to from the ‘Solicitations’ search page, or by clicking the ‘My Bids’ link at the top of the screen, which tracks all solicitations for which the vendor has provided a response.

There are two main methods that State Procurement Users (PU’s) conduct their solicitations. State Agency Users (Department of Administration, Department of Public Safety, etc.) use the NC eProcurement Tool to collect their bid responses. Other State Entity users (Community Colleges, Counties, or Towns, etc.) use eVP to collect their bid responses. No matter how responses are collected, they are all posted in eVP. This section will cover responding to a solicitation in NC eProcurement Sourcing.

When a solicitation reaches a status of ‘Pending Selection’ and is no longer accepting ‘Bids,’ Procurement Users (PU’s) can see and download all vendors’ submitted bid responses whether they were collected via eVP or NC eProcurement Sourcing. PU’s may then post various versions of ‘Bid Tabulations’ and a notification of which vendor was eventually awarded the contract. Both the tabulations and the ‘Award’ can be found on the same solicitation record in eVP that was used to initially announce the bid opportunity.

Posted ‘Contract Extensions’ are publicly visible on eVP for 30 days. Not all solicitations posted on eVP will have a ‘Contract Extension’ attached to them, but all contract extensions will be posted on eVP.