HUB and NCSBE Recertification
Vendors can electronically re-certify as a Historically Underutilized Business (HUB) or North Carolina Small Business Enterprise (NCSBE) if their current certification is expiring or has expired. This process guide provides the steps to take when requesting to be re-certified as a HUB or NCSBE vendor.
For a video demo regarding this topic, click here.
For more detailed step-by-step information regarding this topic in a printable and downloadable format, see the following job aid.
An email notification is sent to the Main HUB Contact when a vendor becomes eligible for re-certification. A vendor is eligible for recertification if their HUB Certification is already expired or if their HUB Certification Status Reason is ‘Approved - Current Term Active’ but the Certification End Date is within 60 days. Another email notification will be sent when the Certification End Date is within 30 days. Once a certification reaches its expiration date, there will be a grace period of 30 days to begin the recertification process.

An email notification is sent to the Main NCSBE Contact when a vendor becomes eligible for re-certification. A vendor is eligible for recertification if their NCSBE Certification is already expired or if their NCSBE Certification Status Reason is ‘Approved - Current Term Active’ but the Certification End Date is within 60 days. Another email notification will be sent when the Certification End Date is within 30 days. Once a certification reaches its expiration date, there will be a grace period of 30 days to begin the recertification process.