Creating Purchase Requisitions: Expert View EPLite
This process guide provides instruction on the functional steps to create a Purchase Requisition (PR) in the Expert View of NC eProcurement. A PR is a request to buy goods or services that is created electronically using the Ariba on Demand purchasing system. User may buy Statewide Term Contract (STC) items or request items not on STC (Non-Catalog Items).
For more detailed step-by-step information regarding this topic in a printable format, see the following job aid.
Introduction to Expert View
There are two ways to create a Purchase Requisition (PR) in Expert View. From the ‘Procurement’ tab, the user can click the ‘Requisition’ link at the top of the ‘Common Actions’ portlet, or by clicking directly on the ‘Catalog’ tab the user can search for and select an item and click ‘Add to cart.’
Users may add Statewide Term Contract (STC) catalog items to their PR by utilizing the catalog search functionality. The 'Search Bar' may be used for keyword searches, and the items can be filtered using the 'Filter By' panel. Users can also navigate to Punchout catalogs or request Non-Catalog items.
Users may add specific Catalog items to a favorites list for quick reference. Catalog items saved as favorites are updated as the catalog item is updated (e.g. price, description). Favorite items can be organized within folders or they can be unclassified.
Users may save frequently used catalog searches for future reference by selecting the 'Save this search' option in the drop-down menu to the right of the 'Search Bar.'
These punchout sites are accessible through the NC eProcurement term contract catalogs. A punchout site is a website created and maintained by the supplier specifically for the State of North Carolina. Active punchouts can be found by using the keyword 'punchout' in the Catalog 'Search Bar.'
Users may manually add ‘Non-Catalog’ items to a Purchase Requisition (PR) when a catalog item is not available, or when they are ordering from a vendor that is not on a STC, using the 'Add Non-Catalog Item' link in the Catalog.
NOTE: The guidelines in this section are NOT required for EPLite users like they are for State Agency users.
However, some EPLite entities choose to follow these guidelines. When entering a ‘Non-Catalog item,’ users can use these ‘Unit of Measure’ guidelines that differ based on whether the item is a ‘Blanket’ or a ‘Non-Blanket’ item, and whether it is classified as a ‘Good’ or a ‘Service.’
The ‘Summary’ page allows the user to enter a title as well as adjust shipping, comment, attachment, and line item accounting information. It also allows the user to review the PR for accuracy.