Advanced Purchasing EPLite

Once a Purchase Requisition has been created, users may take additional actions such as Copying, Withdrawing, and Editing. For EPLite users, any Changes and Cancellations are handled in their financial system.

For more detailed step-by-step information regarding this topic in a printable format, see the following job aid.

Open the Job Aid

Tab/Accordion Items

The NC eProcurement Purchasing Lifecycle for EPLite Entities:

  • Composing
  • Submitted
  • Approved
  • Ordered

Purchase Requisitions in 'Composing' status can be deleted, copied, edited, and ultimately submitted.

After submitting a purchase requisition, the original requester can withdraw the purchase requisition in order to edit the line items or quantities before resubmitting.

Once the final approver approves a Purchase Requisition (PR), the status of the PR is updated from ‘Submitted’ to ‘Approved.’  At this point, the PR is sent to the backend financial system for funds checking and further processing.

In Expert View, once that PR comes back as a fully-approved Purchase Order (PO) from the financial system, the status of that PR will change to ‘Ordered,’ and the ‘Title’ will update to be appended with the PO #, which is generated by the entity’s financial system.